Alarielle the Everqueen and her Handmaidens

Alarielle the Everqueen 

CJ#48 and Chronicles 2003
Alarielle is the Everqueen of the High Elves. She can be fielded in a High Elf army and counts as a Lord choice and in addition takes up one of your Hero choices as well. She must be fielded exactly as detailed below, and may not be given any additional equipment or magic items. She can never be the army's General. If her Maiden Guard are included in the army, she must lead the unit and cannot voluntarily leave it.

Ulthuan is co-ruled by the Everqueen, the chosen representative of Isha - the Elven goddess of earth, plants and forests. Alarielle is the name of the ruling Everqueen, and she is said to be the most beautiful to have borne the favour of Isha since the far off days of Astarielle. Where the Everqueen walks, the fields start to blossom and flowers spring forth from the ground. The white birds of Avelorn come to rest on her hand, and her silvery laughter rings throughout the blessed glades of the Gaen valley. Her flowing hair is like a golden cloud, and it is said that so great is her beauty that it can move even the immortal gods. Her power is that of nature itself, so when she mourns the skies weep with her, and when her eyes darken thunder roars across the Gaen valley.
Alarielle's reign has not been peaceful for her powers were sorely tested when Dark Elf armies and legions of Chaos poured into Ulthuan and overran Avelorn. For a while it was believed Alarielle had perished in the fighting. To the Elves the Everqueen embodies the spirit of Isha, and her loss could presage the destruction of all Ulthuan. In fact she was not slain, but hidden and protected by Prince Tyrion, although her powers were very much reduced whilst those of Chaos were nourished by the slaughter of battle. The power of Chaos grew increasingly greater as devastation swept the land. At last the Everqueen made her way to take part in the Battle of Finuval Plain where Chaos was defeated. The Everqueen and her Maiden Guard were then restored to the land of Avelorn. She dwells there to this day, in the company of her Champion, Prince Tyrion.

Alarielle, The Everqueen of Averlorn

Points: 515
Weapons & Armour: Star of Avelorn; The Shieldstone of Isha; Stave of Avelorn.
Handmaidens: If Alarielle is with her Handmaidens then the whole unit becomes Unbreakable.

Special Rules

High mage:
Alarielle is a Level 4 Archmage and follows all the rules for a High Mage. In addition, she knows all of the High Magic spells, and also all the spells from the Lore of Life and may use either or both in the Magic phase.

Boon of Isha:
At the start of the High Elf Shooting phase and at the start of the High Elf Close Combat phase, Alarielle may grant the Boon of Isha to a friendly unit within 12". The unit adds +1 to all of its To Hit rolls for that phase. In addition, any shooting or close combat attacks made by the unit count as magical for that phase.

Chaos Bane:
Any Daemonic unit (including Daemonic monsters and characters) that starts the Magic phase with a model within 6" of Alarielle is affected by the aura of law and harmony that surrounds her. Each unit in range suffers D6 Strength 5 hits, that count as magical attacks.
In addition, roll a D6 for each magic item belonging to a model from a Chaos, Skaven or Undead army that is within 6" of Alarielle at the start of the Magic phase. The item is destroyed on a D6 roll of a 6 (roll for each item separately).

The Touch of The Everqueen:
Alarielle does not fight as such, for she is the embodiment of peace rather than war. However, her lightest touch can stun a foe for a moment, disorientating them with a blinding flash of light. Alarielle always strikes first in close combat. If an enemy also has this ability, then the models strike in Initiative order (roll off in the case of equal Initiative values). If Alarielle hits her target, then no To Wound roll is made. Instead the enemy model may make no attacks that turn, and any other models attacking it hit automatically that phase. In the case of a mounted model (on a chariot or monster, for example), Alarielle must roll to hit against the highest Weapon Skill, but if she hits the entire model is affected, including any special attacks, impact hits, etc.

Magic Items

Star of Avelorn:
Enchanted Item - About her noble brow Alarielle wears a diadem of pure ithilmar into which is set a radiant gem. This was given to the first Everqueen, Astarielle, by Aenarion, and it is said that the gem contains a star from the heavens, placed there by the goddess Isha.
At the start of the High Elf turn, Alarielle may use the Star to heal a wounded High Elf character within 12". If there are no wounded characters in range, she may use the Star to heal herself. Roll a D6 for each wound lost on the target character, on a roll of a 4+ the wound is restored.

Shieldstone of Isha:
Enchanted Item - Upon her breast Alarielle wears a gemstone of unmatched beauty and craftsmanship. As old as Ulthuan itself, the Shieldstone pulse with light and can deflect blows from the enemy.
Alarielle has a 4+ Ward Save.

Stave of Avelorn:
Enchanted Item - This is the symbol of the Everqueen, and the icon of her rulership over the land. It is an ancient heirloom, dating back to the time of Aenarion, but now much of its power has gone, drained away by the magical vortex created during the time of the Sundering.
Once in each High Elf Magic phase, you may choose to unleash one of Alarielle's spells through the Stave of Avelorn. This may be a spell she has already cast that turn. This spell is treated exactly like a Bound Spell, and has a power level of 5.

Handmaidens of the Everqueen  

The Handmaidens of the Everqueen can be fielded as a Rare troop choice in a High Elf army. They must be fielded exactly as presented here and no extra equipment or magic items can be bought for them.

The Handmaidens of the Everqueen are not merely courtiers and attendants, but a warrior guard whose duty is to serve and protect their mistress. Only those with great natural gifts are chosen: the most talented singers and musicians, the most beautiful, the fleetest and most graceful, but above all the most loyal. It is an incomparable honour to serve the Everqueen, and those bound to her side will remain there for seven years, during which time they forswear all other companionship and even the company of their families.
The Handmaidens are warriors of rare power even amongst the High Elves, being skilled with all manner of weapons. Their weapons of choice are the bow and spear, and they wear corselets of the finest Ithilmar.

Handmaidens of The Everqueen

Points: Ten Handmaidens, including the unit's Champion, Musician and Standard Bearer cost a total of 300 points. This is the minimum size of the unit, but extra Handmaidens can be added to the unit at a cost of +20 points per model.
Weapons & Armour: The Handmaidens wear heavy armour and carry spears and longbows.
Options: The Handmaidens always carry the Banner of Avelorn, which is detailed below. The Musician of the regiment always carries the Horn of Isha, also detailed below.

Special Rules

Immune to Psychology:
The Maiden Guard are sworn to give their life in defence of the Everqueen. They are Immune to Psychology.

Fight in Three Ranks:
The Maiden Guard can fight in three ranks with their spears.

Magic Items

The Banner of Avelorn:
Woven from living leaves and the hair of the Handmaidens of the Everqueen, this Banner is a stunningly beautiful creation of the Elves of Avelorn.
The Banner is a Magic Standard. So beautiful is the Banner of Avelorn that any enemy wishing to charge the Handmaidens must first pass a Leadership test. If the test is failed the chargers stand in their place, transfixed by the magic. The Handmaidens must declare their charge reaction before the test is made. Note that the banner has no effect on troops that are immune to psychology.

The Horn of Isha:
The Horn of Isha is made out of single pearl-white conch shell, and its sound summons the favour of Isha.
The Horn is an Enchanted Item. Once per battle, at the beginning of any High Elf Shooting phase or of any Close Combat phase (own or enemy's), the High Elf player may declare that the Musician will blow the Horn of Isha. This will allow the Handmaidens to either fight with 2 Attacks (in the Close Combat    phase) or shoot twice (in the Shooting phase).

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