Bel'akor the Dark Master

Be’lakor uses up a Lord slot and a Hero slot, and may only be fielded in a Daemonic Legions army list. He will always be the Army General.

Storm of Chaos

 M WS BS S T W I  A Ld
  6   9    0   5 5  5  9 5 10

Points: 650


Mark of Chaos Undivided: Be’lakor counts as having the Mark of Chaos Undivided.

Whispers in the Darkness: All enemies suffer -1 on all attempts to rally. Enemies within 6" of Be’lakor suffer -1 to any Leadership-based tests they take (so an enemy within 6" of Be’lakor suffers -2 to rally!).

Night Wards: Any spells directed at Be’lakor will be Miscast on the roll of any double (if a spell is cast at him with Irresistible Force, it will be cast with Irresistible Force, then the wizard will suffer an immediate Miscast).

Eternal Terror: Be’lakor causes terror as described on page 81 of the Warhammer rulebook. However, so terrifying is he that a unit must take a Terror test every time they are charged or wish to charge Be’lakor, or if he is within 6" of them at the start of their turn, even if they have already passed a Terror test earlier in the game.

Shadow-shroud: All enemy shooting aimed at Be’lakor, or any unit in his army, suffer -1 to hit.

Insurmountable Rage: At the start of each turn, Be’lakor must take a Leadership test – if this is failed, then he must charge an enemy if there is one in range that he can see. If there are no valid enemies for him to charge, he must move towards the closest enemy model, stopping 1" away from them if his movement would take him further. Be’lakor may re-roll all his failed rolls to hit, but must always pursue fleeing enemies that he breaks in combat.

Daemonic: Be’lakor follows the Daemonic rules on page 29 of the Hordes of Chaos Armies book.

Large Target: As he is an enormous creature that towers over the battlefield, Be’lakor counts as a large target.

Fly: Be’lakor is gifted with immense wings, allowing him to fly.

MASTER OF THE SHADOWS Be’lakor is a Level 4 Wizard. He knows the following spells:

Bolt of Dark Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cast on 7+ The Bolt is a magic missile with a range of up to 18". If successfully cast, it hits its target and causes D6 Strength 5 hits.

Nightmare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cast on 7+ This spell can be cast on an enemy unit visible to and within 24" of Be’lakor, and which is not engaged in close combat. If successfully cast, the unit immediately takes a Panic test. Units Immune to Panic are immune to the effect of this spell.

Curse of the Dark Master . . . . . . . .  . . Cast on 8+ Remains in play This can be cast on an enemy unit anywhere on the battlefield, even if engaged in close combat. If successfully cast, all models in the unit suffer a penalty of -1 to all their rolls to hit (both shooting and close combat attacks). Once cast, it remains in play until dispelled, or until Be’lakor chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain.

Fog of Death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cast on 10+ Each enemy unit on the table suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, randomise as per missile hits. Be’lakor has only a limited control over the nightmarish creatures he has summoned, so the casting player must roll a dice for each of his own units (excluding Be’lakor himself or the unit he is with). On a 1-3 nothing happens, on a 4-6 the unit is affected by the spell exactly like an enemy unit.

Coils of the Serpent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cast on 12+ This can be cast on a single unengaged enemy model within 12" of the caster (you can even pick a character inside a unit, a war machine crew, or choose to hit the character or monster/chariot he is riding, etc). The victim must immediately take a Toughness test. If failed, the model is crushed to death (remember a roll of 6 is always a failure and models without a Toughness value fail only on a 6). No Armour saves or Ward saves are allowed.

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