Durthu counts as a Lord and two Hero choices in a Wood Elves army. He must be used as presented here and may not be given any additional equipment, magic items, or Spites. Durthu resembles a wizened and gnarled old oak tree. He is immensely old and has endured in the depths of the forest for untold ages. On rare occasions he is glimpsed among the shadowy glades or even found by wandering mages. If the Forest of Loren is invaded, Durthu will become disturbed by shouts and wanton destruction of the invaders. Enraged, he will lurch through the forest seeking out the intruders and attack them with savage fury that defies description.
5 6 0 6 6 6 1 5 8
: 450
Treeman Ancient:
As an incredibly old and powerful Forest Spirit, Durthu has no need of weapons to crush his foes- though he is infested with an Unburden of Thieflings (see below). He follows the normal rules for Forest Spirits (ie; has a 5+ Ward Save that is negated by magical attacks, isImmune to Psychology and may not join non Forest Spirit units). Durthu also causes Terror.
Tough Hide:
Durthu's 'skin' is gnarled and dense, even by the standards of Treemen - he has ascaly skin save of 3+, whenever Durthu is wounded, he treats the armour save modifier of theattack as one less then it would normally be ( ie; , a Strength 5 attack would only confer a -1 savemodifier).
One Tree Short of a Forest:
Durthu has seen incursion after incursion lay waste to his beloved groves. He is stubborn and may re-roll any missed rolls to hit in close combat. Unfortunately his eagerness to exact revenge upon particularly vile forest-despoilers often leads Durthu to fixate upon one particular enemy who he judges to be the one mostresponsible. After the start of the game, the opposing playermay nominate one of his own units as a group of ruthless, tree-killing individuals who have been guilty of earning Durthu's ire. At the start of each Wood Elf Compulsory MovesPhase, Durthu must pass a Leadership test or move towardsthe chosen unit if it is visible, charging it if he can. If unableto charge the unit he may charge a different enemy, provided that it brings him closer to the chosen unit.
Strangle Roots:
Durthu can plunge his roots into theground, only to have them re-emerge from the soil many feetaway, clutching and tearing at the foe. He may use this ability
during the Shooting Phase. This attack may be used even if Durthu has marched. Pick one unit within 6"- the target doesnot have to be in Durthu’s line of sight though otherwisefollows normal targeting rules. That unit takes an artillerydice worth of Strength 4 hits, Strength 5 if the target is atleast partially within a wood. On a misfire, nothing happens.
Tree Singing:
Durthu may cast Tree singing twice each Magic Phase. This is a bound spell with aPower Level of 3.
Unburden of Thieflings:
Durthu is infested with spites possessed not only of seeminglyinexhaustible energy but also a kleptomaniac streak a league or so wide. When these spites swarmover the target they use their razor sharp claws to filch anything that takes their fancy (peculiarly,these tend to be all manner of clasps, buckles and pins, although it has been known for several towork together in acquiring a particularly shiny helmet). These spites act as a missile weapon with arange of 12" that always hits on a 4+ and inflict D6 Strength 2 hits (this may target a different unitto his Strangle Roots attack). In close combat, these spites give an additional D6 Strength 2 attacks.Any enemy units that suffer wounds from these either of these is counted as being subject to theeffects of the spell Transmutation of Lead for the rest of the game.
Durthu is an unstoppable force, able to smash things that would be proof against otherweapons with a single, well chosen, strike. Rather than making his normal attacks, Durthu maychoose to make a single Strength 10 attack that causes D6 wounds.
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