Brok Stonefist

 Chronicles 2003
Brok Stonefist was a mighty warrior renowned for his knowledge of the ancient tunnels that zig-zagged beneath the ground, linking the ancient Dwarf Karaks. He fought with great success against the Elves during the War of Vengeance, leading the army of Karak-Azgal with ingenuity and bravery. Relentless to the end, he met his fate fighting his nemesis, the Elf Lord Salendor. Though neither could best their opponent, the burning inferno of the doomed city Athel Maraya eventually claimed these two mighty heroes.
Brok was a mighty warrior who led the armies of Karak Azgul into battle countless times during the War of the Beard. He can be taken as a Lord choice in a Dwarf arm y, and will always count as the army general.
Brok Stonefist
Weapons & Armor: Garaz Makaz, Rune Armor of Karak-Azgal.

Brok Stonefist Conversion
Paul Sawyer used the Dwarf Miner Champion model to represent Brok Stonefist. As the model is so suitable, there was no need to carry out any conversion work!
Rune Items:
Garaz Makaz. An ancient and powerful weapon and mining tool, Garaz Makaz is a family heirloom handed down from Brok's great grandfather, who was a renowned miner.
Garaz Makaz counts as a great weapon. In addition, the weapon is inscribed with the Master Rune of Breaking (if Brok scores a hit against an enemy with a magical weapon, the opponent's weapon is destroyed immediately) and the Master Rune of Alaric the Mad (no armor saves are allowed against wounds caused by Garaz Makaz).
The Rune Armor of Karak-Azgal. This is a revered suit of armor, intricately designed and wrought with the finest runes. After Brok's death, the blackened armor was recovered and carried with reverence back to Karak Azgul, where it has remained ever since, deep within its vaults.
The Rune Armor of Karak Azgul is inscribed with the Master Rune of Gromril (giving him a 1+ save) and the Master Rune of Steel (opponents must re-roll successful rolls to wound Brok).
The Talisman of Stone. This talisman is an ancient rune item gifted to Brok by a Rune Lord of Karak Azgul when Brok saved the Rune Lord's nephew. It imbues him with great power, healing otherwise fatal wounds unnaturally fast.
The Talisman of Stone gives Brok the Regeneration special ability.
Special Rules:
Lord of the Tunnels: 0-2 units of Miners may be taken as Core choices in an army led by Brok. In addition, when using the Underground Advance special rule, these units may re-roll the dice each turn to see if they arrive on the battlefield.

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