Burlok Damminson



Burlok can be fielded in a Dwarf army. He counts as a Lord choice. He must be fielded exactly as described here and may not be given any additional equipment.

The Dwarf Engineers Guild is an ancient and enduring craftsguild. The craftsguilds are special clans, where fathers pass on their skills and knowledge to their sons. Burlok son of Dammin is the Guildmaster of the entire Engineers Guild, the leader and most important Dwarf in the entire Guild. It is the engineers who make the pumps and engines which keep the Dwarf mines from flooding, and who construct the more technical engines of war, such as the flame cannons and gyrocopters.
Engineers are very traditional in their views and take great pride in their workmanship. Dwarf machines are covered with ornate brasswork, elegant decoration, and precise engineering. Such things bring tears of joy to the eyes of Dwarf craftsmen, and Burlok is no exception in his respect. He is also a great traditionalist who discourages innovation and firmly believes that the old tried and tested ways are best. In this respect too he typifies the attitude of the Engineers Guild whose objectives are to preserve knowledge and maintain standards of craftsmanship rather than to explore new ideas. Dwarfs are not very keen on new ideas, which, as any Dwarf will tell you, always lead to trouble. Of course, some of the younger Engineers oppose this view, and sometimes come up with startling and outlandish inventions, but these outrageous individuals invariably come to a bad end.
Burlok is no longer a young Dwarf. Some of the apprentices find it hard to believe that he ever was. In fact, though it is not widely known, Burlok was something of a rebel in his youth, and together with his equally hot-headed friend Sven Hasselfriesian engaged in all kinds of illicit innovation. Amongst their many inventions were the warpfire distillery, the surprising aerial wonder rocket, and the legendary steam radiophone. All of these inventions were discovered by Burlok's father when an experimental pressure vessel exploded blowing off Burlok's arm. Afterwards all of Sven and Burlok's devices were destroyed. Subsequently Burlok sobered up a bit and saw the error of his ways. Sven Hasselfriesian went on to invent the alcohol vapour engine and built a boat powered by it. Eventually the Engineers Guild, though tolerant, was compelled to expel the anarchic and adventurous Sven, who was forced to endure the embarrassing Trouser Legs Ritual before he was thrown out of the Guild.
Burlok has gone on to achieve great things and if he ever yearns to relive the wild and technically innovative days of his youth he certainly does not show it. During his long life he has accompanied the Guild to battle on many occasions. His left arm, lost during the massive explosion which ended his youthful exploits, has been replaced with a mechanical device. Over the years Burlok has perfected this contrivance so that it is now superior to an ordinary limb. It is this device which confers his great strength.

Burlok Damminson, Engineer Guildmaster

Burlok Damminson 3 6 4 4 4 3 3 2 9
Points: 235
Weapons & Equipment: Burlok carries a rune hammer, wears rune armour and has Burlok's Ingenious Offensive New-matic Integrated Constrictor Arm. He may attack with both the arm and his rune hammer, giving him +1 Attack. You must allocate Burlok's attacks between his B.I.O.N.I.C Arm and his rune hammer before rolling to hit. Engineer Burlok is an Engineer and follows the rules given on page 14 of Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs. In addition, any war engine unit to which he is attached adds +1 to any rolls made on the Misfire table for their machine. Rolls of over 6 mean that the misfire has been avoided and the war engine works as normal.

Special Rules

Burlok's Hammer:
Burlok's hammer is inscribed with the Master Rune of Swiftness (always strike first).
Burlok's Armour:
Burlok has heavy armour engraved with a Rune of Stone (increasing his save to 4+) and the Rune of Iron (6+ Ward Save).
Burlok's Ingenious Offensive New-matic Integrated Constrictor Arm:
The B.I.O.N.I.C. Arm was constructed by Burlok himself and is extremely strong. He has Strength 7 when attacking with his artificial arm.

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