Dark Emissaries


Chronicles 2003

Dark Emissaries stalk the land, offering their services to any who would join their cause. They whisper rewards of untold power and wealth to those who will fight for the Dark Master. Of this mysterious lord, little is known but these Emissaries have allied themselves with the forces of Chaos and Darkness. They rouse all those with malice-filled hearts to march unto war. How many of these Dark Emissaries have spread the seeds of corruption in the Old World none can say, but the people speak in hushed whispers of their passing and of the terrible magics they possess. Few have dared to challenge these sorcerers and those who have perished before they have had a chance to regret their folly.
Weapons: Staff of Darkness (hand weapon)
Armour: None
Mount: Always fight on foot
Spells: Dark Emissaries are Level 4 Wizards. They always use spells from the Dark Emissaries' list below.
If fighting alongside a Dwarf army containing an Anvil of Doom, make two separate pools of Power dice in your own Magic phase: one pool to be used with the Anvil (D6+2 dice) and one to be used by the Emissary (two dice plus four for his Level). In your opponent's Magic phase, you can group all your Dispel dice into a single pool.

Dark Emissary
The Spiral

5+ Ward save
The symbol of the Dark Master and a feared sign of damnation. Few enemies dare look upon it.

Staff of Darkness
+1 to cast spells

Dark Emissaries' Spell List

Casting value
Bolt of Dark Light
Betrayal in Death
Curse of the Dark Master
Fog of Death
Coils of the Serpent
Bolt Of Dark Light
Cast on 7+
The Dark Emissary conjures the powers of the Dark Master and unleashes a deadly ray of pure dark energy.
The Bolt is a magic missile with a range of up to 18". If successfully cast, it hits its target and causes D6 Strength 5 hits.
Betrayal In Death
Cast on 7+
Under the effect of this curse, enemy warriors who are mortally wounded are transformed into ghastly animated bodies and turn to attack their comrades.
This spell can be cast on an enemy unit that is engaged in close combat and within 18" of the caster. If successfully cast, models who fall casualty will attack their own side in a final spasm of unholy energy. The spell lasts until the start of the caster's next turn. Fight the combat as normal. Any model in the affected unit which is killed during the combat immediately makes one further attack against a member of his own unit before it is removed - this is regardless of whether the model has already fought or not. Models killed by their own comrades will not be affected, only those killed by the enemy. The warrior will drop any weapon he's carrying and attack with his bare hands in a zombie-like fashion, thus the attack is always resolved at the model's basic Strength. In the case of mounted models, models riding chariots or monsters and so forth, only riders strike. If the dying model has a choice of different friendly models to attack, the Dark Emissary may choose which. Casualties caused by this spell will affect that round's combat resolution.
Cast on 7+
The perverse arts of the Dark Emissary creates the illusion of the enemy's worst fears in front of their very eyes.
This spell can be cast on an enemy unit visible to and within 24" of the caster, and which is not engaged in close combat. If successfully cast, the unit immediately takes a Panic test. Units immune to panic are immune to the effect of this spell.
Curse Of The Dark Master
Cast on 8+
Remains in play The heart of the enemy is grasped by icy tentacles of fear and doubt, that sap their strength and their will to fight.
This can be cast on an enemy unit anywhere on the battlefield, even if engaged in close combat. If successfully cast, all models in the unit suffer a penalty of -1 to all their rolls to hit (both shooting and close combat attacks). Once cast, it remains in play until dispelled, or until the Wizard chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain.
Fog Of Death
Cast on 10+
A mysterious fog rises from the ground, shrouding the entire battlefield. All fighting stops for a short time, while friend and foe alike are lost in the haze and sinister screams fill the air.
Each enemy unit on the table suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, randomise hits as per missile hits. The Dark Emissary has only a limited control over the nightmarish creatures he has summoned, so the casting player must roll a dice for each of his own units (excluding the Dark Emissary himself or the unit he is with). On a 4-6 nothing happens, on a 1-3 the unit is affected by the spell exactly like an enemy unit.
Coils Of The Serpent
Cast on 12+
A writhing form snakes its way from the outstretched hands of the Dark Emissary and wraps its coils around a single enemy warrior, crushing the life out of his body.
This can be cast on a single unengaged enemy model within 12" of the caster (you can even pick a character inside a unit, a war machine crew, or choose to hit the character or monster/chariot he is riding, etc). The victim must immediately take a Toughness test. If failed, the model is crushed to death (remember a roll of 6 is always a failure and models without a Toughness value fail only on a 6). No Armour saves or Ward saves are allowed.

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