Eltharion the Grim

Eltharion the Grim


Eltharion and Stormwing can be taken as a Lord choice, but will use up one of your Hero choices as well. They must be fielded exactly as presented here and no extra equipment or magic items can be bought for them except where noted below. If Eltharion is included he will always be the army General, overriding the Intrigue at Court rule - unless Tyrion is included in the same army, in which case Eltharion will defer to Tyrion's superior tactical knowledge.

Eltharion the Grim is the Warden of the City of Tor Yvresse. He dwells in a high tower overlooking the ancient metropolis and can be seen flying high above it on his ferocious and loyal War Griffon, Stormwing.
Eltharion the Grim is amongst the most famous of High Elf heroes. He is the only general who has led a successful raid against Naggarond itself and returned to tell the tale. During that raid he was mortally wounded by a poisoned blade of a Witch Elf, but an apparition of his dead father roused him to seek revenge and save Yvresse from destruction.
Such was the power of Eltharion's will that he returned from death's door to exact his vengeance on the Goblins that had murdered his family and destroyed his ancestral lands. He fought and defeated the Goblin horde of Grom the Paunch inside the very gates of Tor Yvresse. When the previous Warden of the city was killed in a magical duel with a Goblin Shaman, Eltharion was chosen as the new Warden.
Many years later he was defeated in single combat by the Witch King himself while defending the ancient city of Anlec from a Dark Elf incursion. The evil Malekith had him blinded and tortured, and then sent back to the Phoenix King as a living example of his cruelty. Now Eltharion is recovering in the care of Belannaer in the holy Tower of Hoeth, where he is training hard in the ways of the Swordmasters. His skill and strength are returning rapidly and he will soon be ready to embark on a bitter quest for revenge, which will lead him once again to face the dreaded ruler of Naggaroth.
The profile given here represents Eltharion before his defeat at the hands of Malekith.

Eltharion The Grim

Points: 490 (280 for Eltharion and 210 for Stormwing).
Weapons & Armour: Eltharion wears heavy armour and the Helm of Yvresse. He is armed with a lance, a longbow and the Fangsword of Eltharion.
Mount: Eltharion rides his Griffon, Stormwing, in battle.

Special Rules

Hates Goblins:
Eltharion lost nearly all of his family and saw his ancestral lands ravaged and burned in the cataclysmic Goblin invasion of Yvresse led by Grom the Paunch. To this day he holds a bitter hatred in his heart for all Goblins, so he is subject to the psychology rules for hatred when fighting Goblins. If he is in combat with Grom, the fury of Eltharion's blows is such that he gains +1 on his rolls to hit and +1 to his Strength. Note that this applies to Eltharion only, not Stormwing's attacks.

Furious Charge:
In the turn he charges an enemy, Eltharion always uses his lance. At any other time he uses the Fangsword.

 Magic Items

The Fangsword of Athel Tamarha:
The Fangsword is a rune-encrusted longsword which has been passed down through Eltharion's family for generations. Eltharion inherited the Fangsword from his father after he died in the defence of his home in Athel Tamarha. The weapon strikes with a savage force that can rend apart the strongest armour.
The Fangsword is a Magic Weapon. When Eltharion is wielding it, any model attacking him in hand to hand combat suffers a -1 penalty to hit. A roll of 6 will always hit regardless of modifiers. This applies only to attacks made against Eltharion, not Stormwing. All Armour Saving throws against a wound from the Fangsword are taken with an additional -3 penalty. Combined with Eltharion's Strength of 4, this means the total save modifier will usually be -4.

The Helm of Yvresse:
The Helm of Yvresse is the symbol of the Warden of Yvresse.
The Helm is magic armour. It confers a +1 bonus to Eltharion's Armour Save, for a total of a 4+ Armour Save. In addition it confers a 5+ Ward Save.

Radiant Gem of Hoeth:
The gem is normally kept in a black bag, carefully hiding its brilliance from prying eyes.
The wearer counts as a Level 1 Wizard. However, the wearer may still cast spells whilst wearing armour. This has no effect on characters who are already wizards.

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