Malakai Makaisson and his Goblin-hewer may be taken in a Slayer army as a Rare choice. It may also be used in a Dwarf army or an Empire army, in which case it counts as one Hero and one Rare choice.
Storm of Chaos
Malakai is a shaven-headed Dwarf, with the customary red-dyed crest
and a short leather jerkin with a sheepskin collar, a leather cap with
long ear flaps and a cut out for his crest to fit through. He wears
a set of thick optical lenses engraved with a cross-hairs, though he
claims it is simply to improve his already superb eyesight, rather than
to make up for any deficiency he may be suffering from.
Thought to be the best engineer who ever lived, Malakai Makaisson was
drummed out of the Guild of Engineers after the first airship fiasco
and became a Slayer. He built the Spirit of Grungni and is responsible
for devising many other ingenious munitions and weapons also. He is
originally from Dwimmerdim Vale, way up the north – an isolated place,
which is thought to account for his somewhat odd accent.
His latest invention is the Goblin-hewer. A rapid-firing, axe-throwing
extravaganza of destruction, the Goblinhewer is capable of scything
through even the most numerous opposition with a hail of blades.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Points | |
Unit: Consists of Malakai Makaisson, two Slayer crew and a single Goblin-hewer.
Equipment: The crew are armed with hand weapons and great weapons. Malakai is armed with a great weapon, and a Repeating Dwarf handgun (same as a normal Dwarf handgun with Multiple Shots x3).
Engineer: Although seriously deranged and sworn to the Slayer oath, Malakai is still a formidable expert in black powder, mechanics and construction. He follows all of the rules for a normal Dwarf Engineer. However, he is part of the crew and must stay with the Goblin-hewer just like any other war machine crew member.
Goblin-hewer: This is a war machine for all purposes. When it fires, nominate a target unit within range and Line of Sight and roll to hit as normal (using Malakai’s BS if he is still alive and not firing his repeating handgun). The spinning axe blades inflict a variable number of hits depending on the number of ranks in the target unit. Roll a D3 for every rank the target has, this is the total number of rolls to Wound you should make. If the Goblin-hewer is in the flank arc of a unit, then the number of models in the widest rank is counted as the number of ‘ranks’ for this purpose.
For example, a unit four ranks deep that is hit by the Goblin-hewer takes 4D3 hits. If it were six models wide and hit in the flank, it would suffer 6D3 hits. Casualties are allocated just like normal shooting hits. If firing at a single model or skirmishers, or other target that does not use ranks, it inflicts D3 hits.
The Goblin-hewer is affected by loss of crew in the same way as a Bolt Thrower.
Range | Strength | Save modifier | Move | Toughness | Wounds |
As crew
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