The fleet of the Sea Lord Aislinn, dubbed ‘the Pernicious’ by his peers, has been extremely active in recent months, dispatching small patrols of Lothern Sea Rangers to carry out stealthy hit and run attacks along the southern coast of Norsca, recovering lost artefacts, rescuing prisoners, and even assassinating powerful enemy warleaders. Lord Aislinn’s exact motivations are far from clear, but his attacks have caused untold confusion amongst those tribes attempting to join Archaon’s invasion.
The following troops count as characters, Core, Special or Rare units in the High Elf Sea Patrol army list:
0-1 Sea Lord* (Prince) Storm Weaver* (Archmage) | |
Commodore* (Commander) Mist Mage* (Mage) | |
Lothern Sea Guard (Champions may choose up to 25 points of magic items, one unit may be given a magic standard worth up to 25 points). Ship’s Company (do not count towards minimum Core unit choices). | |
2+ Lothern Sea Rangers (Shadow Warriors) | |
Repeater Bolt Thrower Merwyrm |
Master of the Mists is a new High Elf Honour which is taken by the Sea Lord in this army, at no additional cost.
Immediately after both armies have been fully deployed (including scouts), each unit of Lothern Sea Guard, Lothern Sea Rangers and Repeater Bolt Throwers gets a special round of shooting. During this round of shooting the shooters ignore all negative to hit modifiers, and may target any enemy unit on the table regardless of range, line of sight, and proximity to friendly troops (although they may not single out characters within a regiment of like-sized models). In addition, Aislinn rules his vessels with an iron hand; and is automatically the army General. If the army contains the Sea Lord it is not subject to the Intrigue at Court special rule.
Cast on 7+
Remains in Play
This spell has a range of 24" and can be cast on any friendly unit visible to the caster, even those engaged in hand-to-hand combat.
Any enemy shooting or hand-to-hand attacks targeted at the unit will suffer a -1 to hit penalty. The Mist does not affect the attacks of the unit it protects.
Once it is cast, the Writhing Mist remains where it is until dispelled, the unit moves (although it may reform and change ranks) or until the Wizard chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain.
Cast on 9+
Remains in Play
Place an appropriate (man-sized) model to represent the Oceanid within 6" of the Wizard. This model may not move or perform any actions at all; it is to all intents and purposes an item of scenery rather than a model, and counts as open ground for the purposes of movement.
Whenever an enemy unit wishes to fire upon or declare a charge against a unit in the Lothern army, it must first measure the distance to the Oceanid. If the Oceanid is closer than the target unit, it must make a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the enemy unit is distracted by the Oceanid’s haunting song, and the attack/charge is not performed. If the test is passed, no Oceanid will have any effect against that unit for the rest of the game. This spell has no effect against units that are Immune to Psychology.
Once it is summoned, the Oceanid remains where it is until dispelled or until the Wizard chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain.
With entire batteries of these snarling, spitting daemonmachines at his command, it is only a matter of time before the Lord of the End Times conquers all who stand before him.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | |
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, shield.
- Any unit may be equipped with light armour for +1 pt/model.
- Any unit may be equipped with spears for +1 pt/model.
- Any unit may be equipped with bows for +2 pts/model.
- Upgrade one Mariner to a Musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Mariner to a Champion for +12 pts.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | |
Aquatic: Merwyrms suffer no movement penalties for moving through water based terrain features, instead, their Movement is increased to 10, and they do not count as a Large Target when in the water.
Summoned from the Deep: You may take as many Merwyrms as you have Storm Weavers and Mist Mages in the army subject to the restrictions on rare units. Each Merwyrm is ‘bound’ to a specific mage before deployment (note this on your army list).
In any turn in which a Merwyrm fails a roll to Regenerate, it must make a Leadership test, using the Leadership of the mage that has bound it. If the test is failed, roll on the Monster Reaction table on page 105 of the Warhammer rulebook (regard result 5-6 as the creature acting really dumb rather than guarding a fallen rider!).
Should the mage be slain, the Merwyrm must test on its own Leadership each turn, and if it fails, the effect of the roll on the Monster Reaction table will last until the end of the game.
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