Ludwig Schwarzhelm, the Champion of Karl Franz


Wayback Machine

Your army may include Ludwig Schwarzhelm, the Emperor's Champion. He counts as two Hero choices. If you choose to field Ludwig Schwarzhelm in your army he is counted as being the army's Battle Standard Bearer.

Ludwig Schwarzhelm is the Champion of Karl Franz, a towering figure of a man, renowned throughout the Empire for his mighty physique and stern expression. He is said to have never smiled in his life. His role is to uphold the Emperor's justice during trials of combat. Such trials are a judicial right of high ranking noblemen accused of breaking the Emperor's laws. Ludwig is also the Emperor's bodyguard and his mere presence has so far proven enough to discourage any attempts on the Emperor's life.
On the battlefield Ludwig carries the personal standard of Karl Franz. He is armed with the Sword of Justice, an ancient weapon passed down from Champion to Champion through the reigns of successive Emperors. It is studded with ancient Dwarf runes of vengeance and retribution. Dwarfs are especially skilled at making runes of this kind. To date Ludwig Schwarzhelm has never been defeated.

Ludwig Schwarzhelm 4 6 5 4 4 2 5 4 8
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Points: 220
Weapons: He carries the Sword of Justice (see below).
Armour: Full plate armour (4+ Armour Save).
Mount: Ludwig may ride a barded Warhorse (+14 points, including barding).


SWORD OF JUSTICE: The Sword of Justice is encrusted with ancient Dwarf Runes which give it the power of unswerving accuracy and deadly retribution. The bearer can re-roll failed To Wound rolls.

THE EMPEROR'S STANDARD: If Ludwig Schwarzhelm is included in the army then he will count as the Battle Standard bearer. In addition to the normal rules that apply to the battle standard, any friendly unit within 12" of the Emperor's standard gains +1 to its combat resolution.

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