White Dwarf #314
Marius Leitdorf can be taken as a Lord choice. He must be fielded exactly as presented here and no extra equipment or magic items can be bought for him (except for the options given below).
Marius Leitdorf was known as the Mad Lord of Averland. He was sullen and morose, and given to bouts of screaming rage during which no one can reason with him. At other times he suffered periods of deep depression when he locked himself away and spoke to no one for weeks. His intense and unpredictable moods had earned him many enemies throughout the Empire. He was no longer welcome at the courts of any other Elector Counts nor at Altdorf. Marius's taste for fine silks, velvet, and exquisitely fashioned clothing was legendary and led some to class him (quite wrongly) as an ineffective fop. He was commonly said to be mad, and may indeed have been so, but his unreasoning rage was backed up by a keen and artistic mind. Swordsman, poet, painter, engineer and inventor, he excelled in all of these skills and more. His swordsmanship was unequalled except perhaps by the Reiksmarshall Kurt Helborg - a match that has never been put to the test despite years of enmity between the two. Marius fought with two blades, the Runefang in one hand and a long-bladed dagger in the other, a mode of warfare he had mastered better than anyone. Sadly Marius met his demise at the hands of the ferocious Orc Warlord Vorgaz Ironjaw. During the Third Battle of Black Fire Pass, Marius and the Averland's Greatswords, completely surrounded by the huge tide of Greenskins held their ground to the last man. The Elector Count was finally slain in a duel with the monstrous Orc leader. The heroic death of Marius and his men was not in vain, since it bought enough time for the Reiksguard Knights, led by the Emperor Karl Franz in person, to smash in the side of the Orc line and win the day. The name of Marius Leitdorf is now remembered with honour among the Saviours of the Empire.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | |
Marius Leitdorf | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 9 |
Warhorse | 8 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 5 |

Points: 280
Weapons: Runefang.
Armour: Full plate armour.
Mount: Barded warhorse. He can be fielded on foot (-21 pts).
MAGIC BANNER: Magic Banner. See page
6 of the Empire book.
FRENZY: Marius is an unstable but
extremely powerful character
who is prone to fits of rage. He is affected by the rules for Frenzy
as described
in the Warhammer rulebook. When frenzied he therefore has 4 attacks
his Runefang, plus 1 extra attack from his dagger, resolved at his
RUNEFANG: See page 20 of the Empire
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