


Skarsnik is a Night Goblin Warlord. He can be taken as a Lord choice, but will use up one of your Hero choices as well. Taking Skarsnik counts as taking a Lord and a hero. Skarsnik must be taken exactly as presented here, and no extra equipment of magic items can be bought for him. The cost of his magic item is included in his total cost.

'The trouble wiv you Dwarfs,' said Skarsnik, Night Goblin Warlord of the Eight Peaks, 'is that you doesn't know when you is beaten.'
Idly stroking the head of his gigantic, slavering Cave Squig, Gobbla, Skarsnik continued to address his captives. 'I mean look at that big fort of yours. Me an my lads have had you bottled up in there for more years than I can count.'
One of the Dwarfs unsuccessfully attempted to stifle a nervous snigger at this, but Skarsnik appeared not to notice and said, 'Every time you send one of your boys out to get help, I kill him. Every time your mates come to lend a hand, I kill 'em all. You need to learn that these 'ere mountains are mine, not yours.'
One of the Dwarfs sneered, 'Your days are numbered foul greenskin! When our kinsman Snorri carries word of our capture to Karak Eight Peaks, a force the like of which you have never seen will descend upon you with fire and steel.' He spat towards Skarsnik and in response the Goblin guards jabbed him repeatedly with barbed Squig prodders. Gobbla snarled, pulling on his chain and exposing rows of razor sharp teeth. Skarsnik patted Gobbla's head, knowing that despite the Dwarf's show of defiance, the stunties were afraid. The Warlord chuckled, knowing they had good reason to be.
He pulled a long, flat-bladed knife from his belt and leaned forwards, trying to decide which beard he would scalp first. As Skarsnik tested the blade's edge with his thumb Gobbla's belly rumbled and the Cave Squig belched, regurgitating something large and metallic which fell with a clatter and rolled across the floor. The beast hiccuped and both captives paled as the object came to a halt in front of them. It was a dented Dwarf helm with a prominent 'S' rune embossed on the partially digested metal.

Skarsnik is the chieftain of the crooked Moon Tribe and the most powerful Night Goblin Warlord in the whole of the southern Worlds Edge Mountains. All the other Orc and Goblin warlords acknowledge his overlordship of the mountains around the ruined Dwarf hold of Karak Eight Peaks.
Since the Dwarfs returned to occupy their ancient hold, Skarsnik has virtually kept the Dwarfs prisoner within their tiny citadel. When the Dwarfs try to enter or leave the stronghold he hunts them down and hangs their beard scalps on long poles within sight of the citadel walls. He is remarkably cunning and is constantly luring the Dwarfs into ambushes and traps. At the battle of East Gate he managed to surround a Dwarf relief force and virtually destroy it, forcing the remnants to flee back into the citadel itself.
Skarsnik is accompanied by a huge Cave Squig which he calls Gobbla. Gobbla is enormous, very smelly, and mindlessly vicious but seems totally loyal to his master. Skarsnik feeds Gobbla on Dwarfs and any Goblins careless enough to stray too close.
Skarsnik carries a huge magical weapon called a prodder. This enables him to throw blasts of magic around the battlefield.


Skarsnik 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 8
Gobbla Special 5 0 5 4 3 4 3 3
Points: 205
Weapons: Skarsnik's Prodder.
Armour: Light armour.


Fear Elves; Hate Dwarfs.

Gobbla the Cave Squig
Skarsnik's pet Cave Squig is a huge and disturbing sight, even to other Night Goblins. He is mostly made up of razor sharp claws, cruelly pointed horns and huge slavering jaws and only Skarsnik can control his vicious temper.
In battle Skarsnik and Gobbla are treated as a single unit and remain in base contact at all times, ranked up alongside each other. However, they may still join units of troops just like other characters. Use Skarsnik's Leadership for any tests as long as he's alive.

Gobbla's Movement
Gobbla is chained to Skarsnik and so always moves with him. The two models are placed together side by side. Should Skarsnik be slain then Gobbla will bite through his chains and must roll on the monster reaction chart on p105 of the rulebook. Gobbla moves 2D6" per turn once free of Skarsnik. Roll each turn to see how far he moves. If this movement brings Gobbla in contact with an enemy unit then he is treated as having charged in the following Close Combat phase. In addition, if his master has been killed then Gobbla is so enraged that he becomes Unbreakable.

Insatiable Appetite
Gobbla will never bite Skarsnik, but he may attack other Orcs or Goblins if given half a chance. If there are any enemy in base contact he will always bite enemy models in preference to friends. If there are no enemy in base contact he may bite other Orcs, Goblins, etc if they are touching. This tends to happen if Skarsnik joins a unit and fights with it. Roll a dice at the start of Gobbla's Close Combat phase. On the roll of a 6 Gobbla makes his 3 Attacks against any friendly models touching him. Distribute these attacks randomly if it makes a difference. No Break test is necessary due to Gobbla's indiscretions.

The normal restrictions that apply to shooting at individual character models apply to shooting at Skarsnik and Gobbla too. However, while there are two of them the normal -1 to hit a single model does not apply. If Skarsnik and Gobbla are on their own then any enemy missile hits are divided equally between them with any odd hit being distributed at random.


Skarsnik's Prodder
The Prodder confers +1 Strength to all close combat attacks made by the character fighting with it. In addition, the Prodder focuses the battle lust of the surrounding Greenskins and unleashes it in blasts of pure Waaagh energy in the Magic phase. No Power dice are required to cast this spell. The Prodder fires one blast each Orc & Goblin Magic phase, plus one extra for each unit of 10 or more Orcs or 20 or more Goblins within 12". All blasts must be directed against the same target unit.
Treat the Prodder's blasts as bound spells with a power level of 3. Each blast is a magic missile with a range of 24" and must be dispelled separately. Each blast causes a single Strength 4 hit with no Armour Save allowed.

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