

Chronicles 2003

A mystical race of warrior-wizards known only as the Truthsayers have braved the perilous crossing over the Sea of Chaos to seek out noble civilisations. They foretell of great danger should their homeland of Albion fall; the forces that bind the Chaos mists to the northern realms will weaken and in so doing do, Daemon armies will be able to descend up on the world. To those who will help protect the isle they promise to teach secrets lost to civilisation since the disappearance of the Old Ones. Magic weapons and artefacts thought long vanished from the world will be given to those who the Truthsayers deem worthy, but time is of the utmost importance.
Weapons: Staff of Light (counts as a halberd)
Armour: None
Mount: Always fight on foot
Spells: Truthsayers are Level 3 Wizards. They always use spells from the Truthsayers' list.
If fighting alongside a Dwarf army containing an Anvil of Doom, make two separate pools of Power dice in your own Magic phase: one pool to be used with the Anvil (D6+2 dice) and one to be used by the Truthsayer (two dice plus three for his Level). In your opponent's Magic phase, you can group all your Dispel dice into a single pool.

The Triskele
4+ Ward Save

The magical symbol of their office, it also focuses positive energies onto Truthsayers, protecting them from harm.

Staff of Light
+1 to dispel attempts

Truthsayers' Spell List

Casting value
Wings of Fate
Light of Battle
Gift of Life
Blessing of Valour
Boon of Courage
Voice of Command
Wings Of Fate
Cast on 5+
The Truthsayer conjures a flock of enchanted birds to attack his enemies.
The flock is a magic missile with a range of up to 24". If successfully cast, the flock hits its target and causes 2D6 Strength 2 hits.
Light Of Battle
Cast on 6+
A chosen regiment of warriors is protected by a shimmering barrier that deflects enemy missiles and blows.
This spell can be cast on one friendly unit anywhere on the battlefield, even if engaged in close combat. All models in the unit receive a 5+ Ward save until the beginning of the caster's next turn.
Gift Of Life
Cast on 7+
Dying warriors that are lying broken on the battlefield are granted a new chance, their bodies are healed of all wounds and their strength is returned to them.
Each unit in the player's army is given back one model that has been removed as a casualty during the game. The model is placed back in its original unit, with its full complement of Wounds. The spell has no effect on units that have been destroyed or fled off the table. All characters, chariots and models with 4 or more Wounds on their profile who have been wounded get one lost Wound back. This spell has no effect on war machines (but it can restore a lost crew member).
Blessing Of Valour
Cast on 8+
Remains in play
The prayers of the Truthsayer are heeded in the heavens and his warriors are filled with the strength and skills of the gods of hunting and battle.
This spell can be cast on a friendly unit which is anywhere on the battlefield, even if it is engaged in close combat. If successfully cast, all models that are in the unit get a bonus of +1 to all their rolls to hit (both shooting and close combat attacks). Once it is cast, the Blessing remains in play until it is dispelled, or until the Wizard chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain.
This spell can be cast on a friendly unit which is anywhere on the battlefield, even if it is engaged in close combat. If successfully cast, all models that are in the unit get a bonus of +1 to all their rolls to hit (both shooting and close combat attacks). Once it is cast, the Blessing remains in play until it is dispelled, or until the Wizard chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain.
Boon Of Courage
Cast on 8+
The warriors hear the commanding voice of the Truthsayer in their minds, calling upon their honour and bidding them to fight on, no matter how desperate their situation has become.
This spell can be cast on one friendly unit anywhere on the battlefield, even if it is engaged in close combat. If successfully cast, the unit is Unbreakable until the beginning of the caster's next turn. If cast on a fleeing unit, the unit immediately rallies, regardless of how many            models are left in it.
Voice Of Command
Cast on 9+
Hearing the booming voice of the Truthsayer, an enemy regiment suddenly stops in its tracks, doubt filling their minds, hesitation paralysing their limbs.
This spell can be cast on any enemy unit on the table. The unit must immediately take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the unit immediately loses all its fighting spirit. The affected unit cannot move in its next Movement phase (except if the unit is subject to some form of compulsory movement, such as fleeing, stupidity, etc). In addition, the unit cannot shoot in its next Shooting phase. This spell has no effect on models that are Immune to Psychology.

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