Ice Queen of Kislev
A great wizard in her own right, her power is said to come from the land of Kislev itself, its icy soul and bleak tundra giving her command of the elements and mastery of that form of wizardry known as Ice Magic. Indeed, some whisper that she is in fact the living reincarnation of the very first Khan-queen, Miska. so complete is her grasp of this dangerous branch of magic. Upon her ascension to the throne of Kislev, it is said that the Bokha Palaces have grown a new wing, half a mile long, made entirely from glittering ice. This wondrous creation would be beyond all but the most powerful Ice Mages, and it is here that Katarin remains for most of the time, granting audiences in an immense chamber of magically woven hoarfrost. Some believe that she simply prefers the chill of these frozen corridors, while others say that it is a display of her power to overawe would-be enemies and foreign ambassadors.
Where Tzar Bokha was a man who preferred to lead from the front and was renowned for his courage and leadership, the Tzarina. in keeping with her icy powers, is aloof and remote, preferring to work through agents and generals. Only under the direst circumstances does the Tzarina join her armies (known in Kislev as pulks), but when she docs it is often upon a mighty steed whose flanks shimmer with glittering ice crystals and whose breath is the winter wind, or riding an armoured sled, drawn by a team of identical beasts. On those rare occasions when she leads her army in battle, the devotion lavished upon her is beyond that which might be expected of such a remote and cool ruler. Her power over the elements is clear proof that the blood of the Khan-queens flows in her veins. The Ungols of the north fear and respect her as one of the ancient warrior witches from their oldest myths.
A time is coming that will see the Tzarina on many a battlefield before the year is out. Marauding tribes of Kurgans and Kyazak push south in ever-increasing numbers, united behind the banners of their Zars and Hetzars. The sheer scale and ferocity of these raids has prompted the despatch of a number of contingents from the Empire to aid Kislev - artillery from Nuln, mercenary companies from Tilea, Wissenland Pike, arquebusiers from Averland, Nordland halberdiers, knightly orders and all manner of troops from all across the buds.
The writings of Anspracht of Nuln turnes this time as the 'Spring Driving', an innocuous term that encompasses a time of unremitting horror and bloodshed. Masses of northern marauders are sweeping down into Kislev, butchering everything in their path. Many battles have already been fought and the Kurgans have razed several towns and stanitsas: Choika, Xhedevka and others that appear on no maps. The pulks have scattered into the oblast, though many Boyars are rallying their forces to fight once more. But as more and more marauders drive south, it is certain that the days of blood are not yet over.
The Tzarina Katarin can be taken as commander for any allied Kistevite Allied Contingent. Tzarina Katarin counts as a single Lord choice and she must be fielded exactly as described here. She must be the Allied Contingent's commander and may not purchase any additional equipment or magic items. If you field the Tzarina Katarin, you may not field Tzar Boris.
PROFILE | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Tzarina Katarin
Cost: 495 points
Weapons & Equipment: Tzarina Katarin carries the sword of the ancient Khan-queens, Fearfrosti, and wears the Crystal Cloak. She is mounted on a warhorse.
Protectors of the Khan-Queen: If the Tzarina Katarin is taken as the leader of your Allied Contingent, then the 0-1 restriction on units of Gryphon Legion units is waived.
Fearfrost: Forged by the ancient Khan-Queen Miska of the Gospodars, this blade has passed from Tzarina to Tzarina through the ages. Only a Tzarina can wield the blade, and were a man to lift the blade, he wottld find himself frozen to death within a heartbeat. The blade is infiised with Ice Magic and the intense cold can kill with a single scratch. Fearfrost grants the Tzarina the Killing Blow special skill. Models wounded. but not killed outright by Fearfrost receive no saving throw, but may lake Ward saves as normal.
The Crystal Cloak: A swirling mist of dancing ice crystals surrounds the Tzarina, warding off the most serious of injuries and confounding her foes' attempts to strike her. The Crystal Cloak grants the Tzarina a 4+ Ward save, and in addition, all attacks directed against the Tzarina in close combat suffer a -1 to both the To Hit and To Wound dice.
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